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Important CDOT activities have included: (links to details/documents are underlined).
Property Owner/Residential Issue Task Force (ITF) Meeting #3 - February 15, 2023
These concepts will all be presented for community input at in-person public open house meetings in March (dates TBD – you will receive an email invitation). All comments received from adjacent owners, the task force survey, and the public meetings will be compiled and considered by Garfield and Eagle Counties as they determine if/which improvements should move forward. Feel free to choose the most convenient way to provide input:
Complete the task force survey
Attend the public open house meetings
Respond to this email or send an email to dot_CottonwoodPassConceptDesign@state.co.us
Use the comment form on the project web page: www.codot.gov/projects/cottonwood-pass-concept-design.
Property Owner/Residential ITF #2 – November 15, 2022
As you click through the presentation, you’ll see multiple-choice and open-ended questions asking for your input. The draft concepts at each project site were shared and you’ll see a question asking for your thoughts regarding each site.
Comments can be submitted by responding to this email or writing to dot_CottonwoodPassConceptDesign@state.co.us, or by using the comment form on the project web page: www.codot.gov/projects/cottonwood-pass-concept-design. Meeting information will be posted on the Project Website scroll to the bottom.
Property owner/residential Issue Task Force (ITF) meeting #2 November 15, 2022 This group will meet three times throughout the project to discuss residential needs and gather input to inform decision-making. If you are interested in joining the Property Owner/Residential Issue Task Force, please email dot_CottonwoodPassConceptDesign@state.co.us or use the comment form to note your interest in the Issue Task Force (KMOHR Post)
Property Owner/Residential ITF #1 held August 15, 2022. If you are interested in joining the Property Owner/Residential Issue Task Force, please email dot_CottonwoodPassConceptDesign@state.co.us.
The Letter to the Editor from KMOHR President "Whether it is the use of chutes or other preventative measures, it would seem that it is time for CDOT to make a determination of what other measures should be taken to harden the canyon from further slides and resultant closures because there are no other practical alternate routes for commercial trucking. (KMOHR Post)
KMOHR mails letters to residents along Catherine Store Rd/Cottonwood Pass as part of an awareness campaign. (KMOHR Post)
The Study Project Leadership Team (PLT) declined the KMOHR proposal to include members from Wilderness Workshop and the Audubon Society in the Natural Resources Issue Task Force (ITF). (KMOHR Post)
See what other stakeholders have said - See public comments received by CDOT as of August 8.
The long awaited minutes from the June 30 Project Leadership Team Meeting have been released and posted on the CDOT Portal.
Presented Existing Issues and Opportunities for each issue area at the Resident/Property Owner Issue Task Force Meeting. (KMOHR Post)
Posted the Open House meeting graphic displays and handouts for Public Review. Use the online form to send your comments to CDOT. There is no current deadline.
We've separated out individual documents for ease of reference. These individual document versions are a snapshot at the time of the open houses and were current as of August 2, 2022. (KMOHR Post)
See what other stakeholders are saying - See examples of public comments received by CDOT as of August 8. (KMOHR Post) We removed blank pages and mailing list requests.
Sent out email invite to Homeowner/Resident's Task Force Meeting (KMOHR Post)
Offering participation in the Owner/Residential Issue Task Force. This group will meet remotely three times throughout the project to discuss residential needs and gather input to inform decision-making.
Conducted two public meetings. Two main engagement points were held, each with two in-person open house meetings (one in Eagle County and one in Garfield County) July 19 and 20
Articles published about the Open Houses in local papers (KMOHR post)
Launched a new Public website about the Cottonwood Pass Feasibility Study.
Posted a public comment form to signup for a project mails and to submit a comments anytime.
Issued a News Release about the two public open houses (KMOHR post)
Emailed an invitation to Open House events for safety improvements on Cottonwood Pass. (KMOHR post)
Sent a postcard to properties within ½ mile on either side of the Cottonwood Pass corridor and along CR 113, CR 114, and CR 115, that have direct access to Cottonwood (KMOHR post) Click here to download directly from CDOT.
Posted a Project Fact Sheet Dated 07/06/2022 - Including project overview and schedule (KMOHR post). Click here to download directly from CDOT.
Met periodically with KMOHR. Read meeting minutes here (KMOHR post)
Surveying Catherine Store Road and Cottonwood Pass - CDOT is preparing to do surveys on the 14 specific work areas. This work may extend for a couple months as they gather information both on the ground and with aerial survey equipment. If you see surveyors CDOT wants you to know that they are measuring as part of this study (read more below). They should have "Project Fact Sheets" available to answer questions that you may have for CDOT.
Implementing the The "CSS" process to ensure that stakeholder values, such as preserving and maintaining scenic and environmental integrity, are incorporated into the project decision making process.
Note: (KMPHR Post) means that this content is posted here by KMOHR and is not maintained or updated on the CDOT project portal.