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Important CDOT activities have included: (links to details/documents are underlined)

These concepts will all be presented for community input at in-person public open house meetings in March (dates TBD – you will receive an email invitation). All comments received from adjacent owners, the task force survey, and the public meetings will be compiled and considered by Garfield and Eagle Counties as they determine if/which improvements should move forward. Feel free to choose the most convenient way to provide input:

As you click through the presentation, you’ll see multiple-choice and open-ended questions asking for your input. The draft concepts at each project site were shared and you’ll see a question asking for your thoughts regarding each site. 

Comments can be submitted by responding to this email or writing to dot_CottonwoodPassConceptDesign@state.co.us, or by using the comment form on the project web page: www.codot.gov/projects/cottonwood-pass-concept-design. Meeting information will be posted on the Project Website scroll to the bottom

We've separated out individual documents for ease of reference. These individual document versions are a snapshot at the time of the open houses and were current as of August 2, 2022. (KMOHR Post)

Note: (KMPHR Post) means that this content is posted here by KMOHR and is not maintained or updated on the CDOT project portal.