Research Library/Links
Final Report files are included below (subject to change):
Draft Final Report August 2023_Appendix A – Geological and Geotechnical Evaluation Memorandum
Draft Final Report August 2023_Appendix B – Cultural Resources Report
Draft Final Report August 2023_Appendix C – Public Engagement Comment Summaries
CDOT Cottonwood Pass Public Portal (Provides detailed project information for public consumption)
CDOT Slides used to introduce the Feasibility Study to Eagle and Garfield County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC).
The Task Order Agreement and Statement of Work between CDOT and David Evans and Associates, the Contractor shall perform the General Engineering Services for the Cottonwood Pass Feasibility Study
"Founded on a set of principles outlined in the context statement and core values, the I-70 Mountain Corridor Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) process brings together a multi-disciplined, multi-interest stakeholder group tasked with providing guidance for future studies, designs, and construction projects to ensure that stakeholder values, such as preserving and maintaining scenic and environmental integrity, are incorporated into the project decision making process. For more information on the CSS process, including CSS teams and roles, decision making, and amending the process.
US 40 Fraser Study - This is an example project site for another study that CDOT did in Region 3. This is similar to what CDOT will do for this effort.
Example of How CDOT Screens Alternatives - From a different project
Historical Documents
DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT PROJECT I 70-2( I I) GLENWOOD CANYON, (July 1971) This document contains a detailed comparison of Glenwood Canyon and Cottonwood Pass as alternatives for I-70, in 1971, before the highway was built. It is incorporated by reference in the final report (below) as Appendix C. The report begins on Page 27. It addresses many of the same issues as the new CDOT Feasibility Study. These findings may still apply! Recommended: search "Cottonwood" within this document.
FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL/4(f) STATEMENT PROJECT I 70-2(11), DOTSERO-WEST (July 12, 1972). Appendix C of this document is provided above. This is a large document and may require downloading to use.
These are large documents that may require downloading to use.